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Heroes of Faith

Learn from the stories of these compassionate and courageous women of the Bible who were strengthened by their drive to follow God's will. From their examples, we can find ways to be more compassionate in our own lives and thus, stronger in our faith.

4th Wednesday (plus May 10), Check-in 10:00 a.m. Program runs 10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.  |  $30 (includes lunch)

If you prefer not to register with a credit card, select “Bill me later”
or contact Sr. Mary Bernadette Kapfer
248-634-5566  |

May 10  

(Rescheduled from Feb. 22 due to weather)

God’s Compassion for Women: Sarah

Presented by Susan Schudt

Learn how God’s promises to Abraham extend to women through the story of Sarah and her maid, Haggar.

After studying chemical engineering and raising 6 children, Susan Schudt discovered both her personal love of sacred scripture and her passion for sharing it with others.  She earned her Master’s in Theology from Sacred Heart Major Seminary and joined the faculty of Catholic Biblical School of Michigan. Her favorite way to approach scripture is through nuptial imagery, and she also loves making faith and reason connections. Susan’s favorite scripture is Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” 

April 26

Mary Magdala: The Compassion of Encounter

Presented by Katrina Iamarino   

Herald of his resurrection, Mary Magdala teaches us to encounter Jesus in our daily lives by choosing “the better part.”

Katrina Iamarino, an instructor at Catholic Biblical School of Michigan, returned to Catholicism when she was in her 30s and began studying everything about her faith. Leading others to Jesus Christ through studying and praying the scriptures is her passion, and she has led a thriving bible study ministry at her parish for the last 15 years. She completed her Master's in Dogmatic Theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary. Katrina also works as an adjunct faculty member at Siena Heights University, teaching Church History in the Theological Studies Program. 

May 24

Judith: the Compassion of Fortitude

Presented by Tamra Fromm

Judith models fortitude as she defends her suffering people. Her responses can help us in our own spiritual battles.

Tamra Fromm, an instructor at Catholic Biblical School of Michigan, converted to Catholicism in 2001 and immediately began using her experience in international sales and marketing for the good of the Church. Her passion led her to receive a Master’s in Theology and a PhD in Catholic Studies and Practical Theology.  As Director of Genesis Ministries, she worked with young adults in the sixty parishes of Oakland County, Michigan. She has served Sacred Heart Major Seminary as both the Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management and as a Professor of Theology. Tamra wrote a book about reaching unchurched young adults, based on her doctoral research.